Have a question or need assistance? Contact our friendly team for support.
Email starseed.studio.17@gmail.com
Text "SS17" to 1 (705) 433-3533 to ask a question that will be answered on an upcoming Podcast.
Regular Mail To:
c/o "SS17"
244 Livingstone Street West,
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
L4N 6Z7

Starseed Studio 17's Location
Mailing Address
c/o "SS17"
244 Livingstone Street West Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6Z7
Will Make House Calls within the Barrie Area.
Working Hours
Emails answered within 48hours
Texts questions answered within the Podcast
Regular Mail answered within 30 days
Social Media answered within 15 days
Appointments are self appointed, No Refunds for any cancelled appointments.
Classes are Online and through Email or Regular Mail. At your pace.

Email: starseed.studio.17@gmail.com
Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter
Text: "SS17" to (705) 433-3533 and ask your question to be answered on a future podcast.